Molecular Evolution

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Graduate Program (IRTG)

IRTG_CurriculumUnderstanding molecular evolution in prebiotic environments is a multi-faceted topic that requires prebiotic and evolutionary modelling by applying a diverse and state-of-the-art set of physical, chemical, biological, geological, astronomical, and theoretical techniques in a cross-disciplinary and highly collaborative approach. The Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) offers to its doctoral candidates a dense and interdisciplinary network using the cross-disciplinary and collaborative approach as the main path.

                Scientific Training Program of the IRTG        

IRTG_Qualification_ConceptThe Graduate Program is based on state-of-the-art and internationally established standards of excellent doctoral education and designed to train the doctoral candidates to become independent, highly interactive, communicative and collaborative researchers beyond the comfort zone of their home disciplines. The comprehensive qualification program includes general scientific training as well as tailored modules like method trainings and transferable skill courses, and career development workshops to prepare the doctoral candidates for an academic career as well as a career outside academia.

              Qualification Concept of the IRTG                  

To support the early independence, the doctoral candidates will be involved actively in planning and organization of the IRTG and CRC 392 events— their tasks will include suggesting and inviting guest speakers, and they will have access to the funds to organize conferences, workshops, exchange programs, or to plan short term lab visits and host researchers. The doctoral candidates will also receive both practical and methodical training in science communication through their active involvement in the CRC outreach project where they will develop the concepts and contents for the public outreach activities of the CRC 392.

           International Activities                 

Graduate Program Committee

Prof. Dr. Dieter Braun

Dieter Braun


Work group:


Prof. Dr. Kerstin Göpfrich

Kerstin Göpfrich


Work group:


Prof. Dr. Hannes Mutschler

Hannes Mutschler


Work group:
